Thursday, July 31, 2008
Aspergers Syndrome Perception and Visual Perspective
A common trait for children and adults with Aspergers Syndrome is that they tend to get caught up and lost in the details of tasks or situations and the environments around them. This affects all cognitive ability such as reading ability - words are reduced to letters or sounds in isolation - and maths ability - equations become single numbers or number patterns. They don't see the "larger" or whole picture, so often they're not even aware of other people within a scenario; consequently the other persons emotions and feelings don't register with the Aspergers Syndrome child.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Discover What a Yeast Infection Looks Like - How to Spot the Early Symptoms!
Knowing what a yeast infection looks like seems to be the most common problem that both men and women have. It seems that too many people don't know how to recognise the symptoms of a yeast infection and therefore leave it untreated. Now, the main problem with not recognizing a yeast infection and leaving it untreated, is that there is a chance that it can enter the bloodstream. When this happens, it will be fairly quickly transported around your body and can attach itself to your internal organs. This means it can then cause damage here and can seriously affect your long-term health overall.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Why Osteoporosis is Still the Silent Thief
Osteoporosis mostly referred to as the Silent thief because of the high prevalence rates of more common diseases like AIDS and Diabetes, most people tend to ignore other diseases that are equally important in our lives such as osteoporosis. Since this disease is mostly related to the old age, most people in youthful ages forget the fact that such disease can be prevented early in life by following simple steps. Commonly known as a silent thief, Osteoporosis is a disease that clinically manifests itself by loss of bone tissue and low bone mass that may lead to weak and fragile bones...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Lupus Treatment
Although millions of people around the world suffer from lupus there are many who have not even heard of this common disease. It is an autoimmune disease in which the patient's own body turns against itself. In someone suffering from lupus certain antibodies are created which instead of protecting the body tend to turn against it. Since the symptoms of lupus often resemble those of other diseases, treatment is often ignored. There is no single test that can properly diagnose the existence of lupus which is another reason why most of the people are quite ignorant about this disease. Fortunately though, lupus treatment is widely available these days.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Reasons For Yeast Infection - What Causes Yeast Infections and How to Cure Them
Fortunately there aren't hundreds of different reasons for yeast infection symptoms breaking out on your body, just one. That reason is because the yeast fungus (Candida as its medically known as) has began to grow out of control on your body and has caused an infection with the skin. It is this infection that gives rise to all those horrible little symptoms such as itching, soreness and even some pain and discomfort. Now, what a lot of people don't seem to realise, is that besides the obvious physical symptoms that you get with a yeast infection, there are also some more serious underlying health risks that you should be aware of...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Keeping Your Body Healthy
Within the last half a century research has been carried out to study the link between the effects that vitamin D has on cancer risks. In search of this, scientists, in the 1950s, looked at weather conditions and health figures in warmer areas of the world to establish that places with more sunshine provides more vitamin D, which was the explanation given for the lowest death rates from colon cancers in those areas. Many studies since then have established the existence of a positive link between vitamin D and calcium and the prevention of cancer, right from prostrate cancer to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This is predominantly true in cases of breast cancers.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Electromedicine Introduction - Fights Cancer, Powers Up Immune System
The historic advances in electromedicine technology make it a safer, and more noticeably effective alternative. Some of the latest technologies have enabled us to see noticeable improvement in a wider variety of symptoms and in more serious conditions including cancer. The most advanced, like the Photon-Genie by Ed Skilling, have become a significant complement to other therapies without negative side effects. The culmination of Ed Skilling's breakthroughs and developments is available in the "upgraded" Photon Genie electromedicine instrument which powers up immune system, reduces and eliminates pain, oxygenates body, moves and balances fluid systems of body (including lymph), de-vitalizes pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, mold, yeast), clears infections, increases energy levels, and increases athletic performance.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Scientists Unlocking 'Black Box Immune System'
Treatments for diseases such as type one diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis have moved a step closer after scientists said they were succeeding in unraveling the "black box" of the human immune system. Researchers in the US claim to have made good progress in understanding the genes that regulate a group of white blood cells known as T cells, which are described as being the body's "frontline" defense. They say that increased knowledge of the genetic basis for this regulation could lead to treatments for autoimmune diseases, rather than just for their symptoms.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a disease that many individuals suffer from on a constant basis. Although they are unsure of what causes this particular condition to happen, it does have some very specific symptoms that most people with the condition share. This could include soreness in the joints and all over muscle aches, sensitivity to light and even irritable bowel syndrome. Although it is not necessarily thought that IBS is a direct symptom of fibromyalgia, many of the people who are suffering from fibromyalgia also tend to suffer with IBS. What is the connection?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How Irritating Can Bacterial Eye Infection Be
If you decide to use the home remedy approach in order to cure yourself, then you should use lukewarm salty water to wipe off any form of pus or crust that may be coming from your eyes. This process is supposed to be done while using disposable tissues or towels that are not shared and that can be disinfected immediately after use. The lukewarm salty water is preferred because the salt sucks up all the water molecules from the bacteria through the process of osmosis hence killing the bacteria in the process.
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Diet For Acid Reflux Sufferers
Acid Reflux, another term for heartburn, is a disease which is created by a simple imbalance of chemical make-up in the body--the attack of acid reflux in the esophagus when it is supposed to be in the stomach only. The fact that Acid Reflux, the acid indigestion, affects not just adults but also infants and children, make it essential for everyone to be aware of its symptoms and how it can be prevented. Since the Acid Reflux is triggered by various foods like chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy foods, including fried and fatty foods.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Do You Know the Symptoms of Acid Reflux?
Many people today think they know the symptoms of acid reflux disease since there has been many more facts reported about it in the news as of late. It's still important to review these symptoms if you think you have the disease and to really understand how serious they are so that you can have the condition treated properly. Unfortunately, many today try to treat the symptoms of acid reflux with over-the-counter antacids and other harsh products, many of which are very damaging to your system and can even make the condition worse.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Choose the Appropriate Cure For Sinus Infection
Frequently used nasal sprays are the Afrins and the Neosynephrine which can be bought from drug stores near you. Antihistamines on the other hand act by stopping the histamine produced by the body after allergic reactions take place from making the sinus linings from swelling. This helps to maintain a clear path for air to pass to the sinus cavities and hence curing the infection in the process.Commonly used antihistamines are the Clarinex and Allegra which can also be purchased from pharmacies though they make the patient feel drowsy many a times.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Beware! Flesh Eating Bacteria Can Be Fatal
A person suffering from this condition may be subjected to fever, nausea, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. The infected part of the skin becomes swollen, red in color, it forms blisters and severe pain is felt when touched. This pain usually appears to reduce after a day or so of infection but rapidly returns later in a more severe state. Tissue damage takes place so fast and the patient could go into a state of shock. If the patient is not attended to in a given period of time, the disease may cause death.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Have You Reached to That Point of Sinusitis Surgery
Caldwell Luc operation is another sinusitis surgery that can be performed in order to treat the sinusitis condition. This surgery helps to relieve chronic sinusitis by trying to improve the drainage system of the maxillary sinus that is situated just below the eyes. Since the maxillary can be reached by entering through the upper jaw just above one of the second molar teeth, this surgical procedure helps to create a window that connects the nose and the maxillary sinus. In turn, the maxillary sinus drainage is improved and sinusitis is in the end treated.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Can You Find Comfort After Knowing About Sinusitis
The other type of sinusitis is known as Chronic sinusitis.It is mainly caused by allergens (factors that trigger allergic reactions in the body) such as pollen,dust and mold.These allergens can easily be inhaled since they are airborne and are able to trigger a set of body reactions that may in the long run produce body compounds such as histamine.With histamine around the nasal cells, reactions which include swelling up of the lining surfaces of both sinuses and air passages occur thus making breathing to be a difficult thing to undertake.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Avoid Consuming Coliform Bacteria In Well Water
The fecal bacteria just like the E. coli bacteria are largely situated in the intestines and feces of warm-blooded organisms. The presence of these coliform bacteria in well water is a sure sign that the water has been contaminated with feces and consuming it before treatment may cause you to have a difficult time discharging waste. The bacteria brings with it pathogens that sack most of the fluid from the human waste and therefore the stool gets to be denied the ability to flow smoothly out of the body.A condition known as constipation.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Conventional and Herbal Remedy Treatments to Adrenalin Insufficiency
The fight or flight response is more than a psychological reaction to stress. In fact stress response endeavors a network of bodily systems--particularly the hypothalmus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands, where a glitch in its interaction becomes the precursor to hormonal imbalance and the manifest of disorders. The article will discuss the conventional treatments prescribed to correct hormonal imbalance that may be compromising efficient stress response, as well as alternative remedies administered by herbalists such as herbal remedies and natural supplements, to sustain the healthy functions of the adrenal glands while tempering its immuno-suppressive action.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Simple Explanation About Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is referred to as the inability of the body to process gluten. Also called gluten sensitivity enteropathy, celiac disease is characterized by stimulation of the body to produce antibodies to harm or damage the tiny hair-like projections lining the small intestine of the person with this disease upon the ingestion of food containing gluten. This tiny hair-like projection that lines the small intestine is known as the villi. These tiny structures are responsible for nutrient absorption into the blood stream. Consequently, absorption of nutrients to the bloodstream is hindered due to unhealthy villi.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Use Sinusitis Remedies That Suits You Best
For sinusitis cases caused by allergic reactions, consumption of fruits such as oranges is seen as an appropriate sinusitis remedy for you. Since allergic sinusitis mostly occurs in people with suppressed immune systems, fruits help to boost the fighting ability of this immune system. Consumption of fruits provide the body immunity with necessary vitamins that fight the actions of histamine which is usually the main cause of sinus inflammation in allergic sinusitis. Once the inflammation has been stopped, the patient is able to recover faster since his immunity has now been boosted by fruit nutrients.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Oral Yeast Infections - Get Rid of Oral Thrush For Good
Oral yeast infections or oral thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by Candida fungus which is normally present in our body. The infection is due to the overgrowth or uncontrolled growth of the fungus. An imbalance in our body system like weakened immune system, taking antibiotics, etc. encourages the growth of the fungus resulting to infections. Candida fungus thrives in wet and warm areas of the body like the mouth. It is important to find ways to get rid of oral thrush as early as possible to avoid chronic infections and other health issues.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Swimming and Candida
Whether you have a vaginal yeast infection, a problem with oral thrush or a general feeling of malaise due to a suspected overgrowth of candida albicans, you can benefit from the knowledge of natural ways to fight candida. Many things do positive things for your body and in terms of yeast infection; swimming might be thought of as a gray area. While we know exercise is something that can help fight candida and that being sedentary can help them thrive, you might be wondering about yeast and swimming and specifically swimming in a public or chlorinated...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Ten Year Olds Inspiring Compassion
How often do you get up in the morning and think "What can I do to make a difference today?". Do you have a cause you feel passionate about? How old were you when that came to be? And just how old do you have to be to make that difference? This is about a 10 year old boy with cerebral palsy who thinks about making a difference everyday. You would think his cuase would be CP but it's not. Check out Jeffrey and what his plan is this year to help with the fight against cancer.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Foods That We Eat Can Fight Cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease and it is now increasingly being realized that what we eat can cause and prevent cancer. When we overload our body with everything that is artificial - fried foods, fast foods, processed meat, packaged food, preservatives, chemicals etc. it causes huge strain in our body. There are already enough carcinogens in the atmospheres in the form of petroleum products emission, chemicals, tobacco etc. apart from natural metabolism and aging process. This is in addition to the genetic predisposition to cancer. This means that we are sitting on a cancer time bomb.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Onychomycosis Infection - Treatments and 5 Prevention Tips
Onychomycosis (on-ee-koh-my-ko-sis) with a popular term 'nail fungal infection' is what happens when dermatophyte migrate and grow in your nails until they are destroyed and extricated from the nail bed. Dermatophyte, which is contained in yeasts and molds, consumes the keratin protein (the basic components of hair, nails, and scalp) of the nails. Ringworm, jock itch, and athlete's foot are just among dermatophyte's progenies, the most common being nail fungal infection. Onychomycosis affects the toenails most often than fingernails because the dermatophyte fungus that causes it, thrive in warm and damp environment. Deficiency in oxygen supply fuels their growth, which means that dermatophyte is anaerobic. Perspiration and lack of hygiene are just among the most common roots of nail fungal infection. Exposing your finger and toenails in wet and warm environment will encourage contamination.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Glutathione Is The Important Antioxidant That Can Protect Us From Cancer
Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidant that our body needs. It is also one antioxidant that is made within our body from the protein in the food we intake. The importance of Glutathione is more pronounced in liver as it flushes out the toxins from the liver. It is also a potent antioxidant that helps protect liver from free radical attack. There are many enzymes derived from Glutathione and the enzyme glutathion-S-transferase is very important in all the organs of the body. Any deficiency in this enzyme is associated with increased risk of cancer.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Treating Sinus Infection is Not Difficult Anymore
Nasal sprays such as Atrovent are also popular medicines prescribed by doctors to their patients. These medicines help in treating sinus infection by shrinking any type of swelling found to block air from accessing the sinus cavities. For sinus infections caused by allergies, antihistamines like Allegra are the best option in this case. The reason for saying this is, the antihistamine fight against the work of histamine in the body which is believed to be the body compound responsible for allergy sinusitis. However, one has to brace himself for drowsiness as one of the major side effects.
Friday, July 4, 2008
How to Achieve Sinusitis Relief is Simple and Clear
Just like when using warm damp towels for sinusitis relief, increase of cilia movement here helps to remove the accumulated mucus in the nostrils. This will again enable your breathing to be easier which will mean that the patient is not forced to breathe with difficulties. Two main things are achieved when you do this. One of them is that the patient enjoys having non congested nose and the second thing is that, pain usually experienced in sinus located areas stops as the breathing process is made easier. Definitely after this, the patient feels relieved from sinusitis symptoms.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Chemotherapy and Reflexology
Reflexology is a zonal therapy and a science in which skillful manipulation is applied to the individually identified points on the body for stimulation of each functional system or parts of the body. These stimulation areas are basically located on the feet and the hands. It can help alleviating many problems in natural way. Reflexes are generated due to the manipulation of the response focal points on the body for each functional system for the resultant response. These response focal points have been effectively used in getting relief from a wide range of ailments with no chance of adverse side effects, otherwise, inevitable in case of chemotherapy. It has proved beneficial in rendering stress, pain, anxiety and nausea.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Killing the Killer Cancer
Cancer, A non communicable diseases takes it origins from all human cells that are capable of dividing. The parts of the body that are immune to cancer are your hair, teeth and nails. The Oxford Medical dictionary defines cancer as "any malignant tumor". An uncontrolled division of cells that invade and destroy the surrounding tissues fuel the growth of cancer in the body. The spread of cancer or metastasis occurs via the blood stream or via other paths through body cavities such as the pleural and peritoneal spaces, thus setting up secondary tumors called as metastases at distant sites from the original tumors. Every primary tumor has its own pattern of behavior and spread. Cancer is major causes of deaths in this world and the chances of getting this disease increases as one gets older.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Use a Sinus Infection Treatment That Suits You Best
Decongestants are other forms of medicines that can be used as sinus infection treatment. Their main work is to help in unblocking the nasal passages something that leads to relieving the patient from temporary sinusitis symptoms. They do this by accelerating the movement of nasal celia which ensure that mucus is quickly removed from the sinuses.The decongestants responsible for this work may be in the form of tablets, sprays and even syrup. They are however supposed to be taken as per the directions given by your doctor so as to avoid causing more harm to your body.
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