Thursday, December 6, 2012

Will The Loose Skin Ever Go Away?, From Joy Bauer (WATCH)

Will The Loose Skin Ever Go Away?, From Joy Bauer (WATCH)

Health and nutrition expert Joy Bauer gave advice on dealing with loose skin after weight loss when she joined me on Mondays With Marlo. Unfortunately for the majority of people, the elasticity in skin won't bounce back after losing a significant amount of weight. Joy recommended focusing on the positives of your weight loss and trying out undergarments like Spanx, Yummy Tummie Shapewear and Danskin. If you want to consult a surgeon about removing the skin, you can, but Joy doesn't feel that it's necessary.

And for more seasonal health and nutrition advice, see Joy's holiday health tips:

  • Follow The "Rule Of One"

    At holiday parties, stick with just ONE of each deliciously tempting hors duerves, one plate of food (anything you want, just keep the portions reasonable), one alcoholic drink, and one dessert. You'll be able to enjoy every part of the meal, and you'll end the evening feeling light and content, not stuffed, heavy and bloated.

  • Go Easy On Cocktails

    Alcohol is double trouble for your waistline: it's high in calories and it lowers your inhibitions, which means you might end up eating more than you planned. Stick with the most slimming cocktails -- a glass of wine or champagne at 120 calories or a light beer at around 100 calories. You can also enjoy a shot of liquor with club soda and a splash of fruit juice for 100 calories. It’s also a good idea to drink water through the evening, it helps in not drinking too much alcohol!

  • Chill With Chatters, Not Chewers

    Eating is contagious. Research out of Georgia State University shows that people eat 75% more calories when dining in a large group, as at holiday parties - that's almost DOUBLE the number of calories you'd eat alone. Stay on track by hanging out with the talkers in the group rather than the eaters huddled around the buffet table.

  • A Healthy Holiday Food

    There are so many dips that are festive, delicious and definitely don’t seem like diet food -- bean dips, spinach-artichoke dip, and even hummus. And, don’t forget: <a href=""></a> has a ton of healthy dip recipes.

  • Stick To A Daily Calorie Count

    When trying to lose weight, women should aim to take in between 1,200 and 1,600 calories per day. For men, the count should be between 1,600 and 2,200 calories. If you’re within that range, the weight will come off.

  • Slim Down Holiday Treats

    To lighten up baked goods like cookies and cupcakes, reduce the sugar by a quarter. You can also slash calories by making your treats smaller -- scoop out smaller cookies or use a mini muffin pan instead of a standard one. In dips, substitute nonfat Greek yogurt for some or all of the full-fat mayo or sour cream. For mashed potatoes, try 1% milk in place of whole milk or cream and use just one tablespoon of butter to add a hint of richness.

  • Spice Up Your Menu

    Spices are not only great, low-calorie flavorings, but they also have medicinal powers. For example, ginger and turmeric are anti-inflammatory, so they help to ease aches and pains. Cajun seasoning and anything spicy can rev the metabolism and help to suppress appetite.

  • Eat These Three Foods

    If you had to choose any three foods to add to a diet, they would be: <ol> <li>Salmon, loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fats</li> <li> Nuts, a low carbohydrate snack which contains fiber, protein, and those heart-healthy fats </li> <li> Lentils, which are healthy and great for your mood</li> </ol>

  • Press The Reset Button With Exercise

    Hit the gym or the pavement first thing in the morning after a day of holiday feasting. Jumping into a vigorous cardio workout will help you burn off the extra calories and sweat away bloat. Plus, it puts you in a positive mindset so you can get back on track with your healthy eating plan.

  • Eat Cholesterol-Lowering Snacks

    Try munching on pistachio nuts to lower your cholesterol. Pistachios contain a compound called plant sterols, which help absorb the bad cholesterol in the gut. And, 30 pistachios are only 100 calories. Nature Made also has a cholesterol-lowering pill called CholestOff that contains plant sterols and can be bought over-the-counter.

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Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing Anti-Aging Creams

When it comes to anti-aging skin care products, it can be difficult to determine what the best option is for you. Anti-wrinkle cream? Wrinkle reducing cream? Eye wrinkle cream? The options for each can be overwhelming. Before you get caught up in the labels, you need to figure out a few things about your own skin and the products themselves. Source