Monday, May 18, 2009

The American Diabetes Association Kicks-Off Its Annual Tour De Cure Cycling Event

The American Diabetes Association Kicks-Off Its Annual Tour De Cure Cycling Event
The American Diabetes Association is challenging riders to take part in the annual Tour de Cure, a cycling event to raise funds to help fight diabetes. More than 40,000 cyclists will be participating in the Tour de Cure at sites throughout the country. All funds raised at the Tour de Cure events will go to support the Association's mission -- to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

Tips On Cold Sore Remedies

If you are troubled by cold sores, then check out this article. I know it is embarrassing to talk about it. But if you don't treat it fast, the virus can create new sites.

It first started as a tingling sensation. You also felt some burning and itching. Soon tiny blisters start to form. They keep getting larger and soon you have one ugly and painful cold sore. The only thing on your mind is “how do I get rid of this quickly?” Here are some cold sore remedies that can help:

1. If your cold sore is in the early stages, topical cream Abreva can speed up your healing. Your cold sore won’t last as long and won’t be as bad. It’s an OTC medication and can be bought at the store. Many users swear by it’s effectiveness. Unfortunately it is a little pricey.

2. Increase your Lysine intake and reduce Arginine. Lysine is an amino acid that restricts the growth of the herpes virus. Arginine, on the other hand, is used by the virus to grow. So, eat lysine rich foods such as legumes, meat, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. Stay away from nuts, chocolate and caffeine. Another way of increasing your Lysine level is by taking supplements. Lysine cream and lip balm can help reduce the discomforts of cold sores.

3. Use lemon balm. Lemon Balm, also commonly known as Melissa, is a herb with a lemony scent that looks a lot like mint. This herb has antiviral properties. Studies suggest that it can help sooth the itching, tingling and burning sensations of cold sores.

There are several ways to use lemon balm as a remedy. You could get lemon balm tea bags, brew it as a tea, then apply the liquid on the sore using a cotton ball. Don’t throw away the tea bags. Freeze it and later apply it on the sore. The icy coldness relieves your pain and the antiviral properties helps to cure the sore.

These are some simple things you can do at home. Although you are concerned about your privacy, there are better ways to deal with fever blister. I have found some interesting articles that may interest you. If you to read more, just click the link below.

Natural Cures for Cold Sores
How To Cure Cold Sores Naturally
The Best Cold Sore Cure
Quick Cold Sore Cure
How to Cure Cold Sores Without Expensive Drugs
How I Cure My Cold Sore Finally

Diagnostic Evaluation Of PSA Recurrence And Review Of Hormonal Management After Radical Prostatectomy - At present, no consensus exists on how patients with PSA recurrence after radical prostatectomy (RP) should be treated. Although patients with postoperative PSA recurrence frequently undergo androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) before evidence of metastatic disease, the benefit of this approach is uncertain. As no randomized studies are performed in this clinical setting there is no conclusive evidence that hormone therapy (HT) after RP will prolong survival or reduce morbidity. More at...