Friday, February 1, 2008

CDC Statement: CDC Underscores Current Recommendation for Preventing HIV Transmission

An article recently published by Switzerland’s Federal Commission for HIV/AIDS states that HIV-positive individuals on effective antiretroviral therapy are not at risk for transmitting HIV to their sexual partners under certain circumstances. The Commission acknowledges that there are no scientific data that the risk of transmission in these circumstances is zero.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) underscores its recommendation that people living with HIV who are sexually active use condoms consistently and correctly with all sex partners. Continue reading ...

Lead Poisoning Linked to ADHD, Other Disorders

Lead paint and lead poisoning have long been known to cause a host of health problems, including hearing loss, stunted body growth and even reduced I.Q. But new research points to another danger of lead paint and lead poisoning - attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.

Boys at Greater Risk

The study proved that boys are at a greater risk than girls, pointing to a specific variation in a genetic dopamine receptor (DRD4-7). Children with this genetic variation who have exposure to lead are at a greater risk of developing ADHD. The connection between lead poisoning and attention problems has long been known, and it was this connection that spurred doctors to research a potential link between ADHD and lead poisoning.

Doctors split the children studied into two groups - a high- and low-risk category of DRD4 variation. Though exposure to lead paint and other lead did not seem to increase the risk for children with the high-risk variety, the low-risk group was significantly affected by the presence of lead.

A Series of Disorders

ADHD children are not the only victims of lead poisoning - lead exposure can lead to disorders in almost every part of the body. The nervous system is a common casualty of lead exposure, with reduced strength and inability for different body parts to effectively communicate with one another. The potential for miscarriage is increased by lead exposure, and sperm production can be endangered in men who are exposed to lead paint or particles. Though there is no conclusive proof that lead is carcinogenic (cancer-causing) to humans, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that lead is a potential human carcinogen.

Protecting Children from Lead Poisoning

Children are by far the most vulnerable to lead poisoning. Children ingest lead in a number of ways - through chewing on paint chips in old houses, eating soil or dust that has been contaminated with lead, or biting ceramics or other objects that have been coated in lead-based paint. Young children are at significant risk through their ingestion habits, but fetuses and babies are at risk, too: premature birth and even miscarriage are well-known side effects of lead exposure.

In order to reduce the risk of lead poisoning for children, parents should be vigilant about what goes in their children's mouth. They should keep close watch on children who chew or lick painted surfaces and keep cosmetics and other lead-based pigments away from children. Frequent hand and face washing can keep lead dust from getting in the mouths and mucus membranes of children. In addition, your child should be tested for lead at one or two years of age.

Legal Options for Lead Poisoning

If you or your child have been injured by lead poisoning, contact a medical professional immediately. You may be liable for damages due to your lead-based medical problems. It is best to consult an experienced lead poisoning attorney who can provide you with legal consultation and support as you litigate your lead poisoning claim. You may be eligible for compensation or damages to help pay for medical bills and pain and suffering.

LegalView has an array of practice areas continually updated to contain the latest news and information. Two new practice areas are Vytorin,, and Zetia,, which are cholesterol-reducing drugs discovered to be less effective than generic brands.

Utilizing Information On Crohns Disease To Win The Battle Against The Condition

Crohns disease is an exceedingly difficult condition to cope with. Most sufferers seek information on the disease so as to find a cure to the problem. Unfortunately, so far no cure has been found for it. However, firstly it is best to use information on the disease to understand the condition properly.

It would be in order to begin with information about what really is this disease. When any part of the alimentary canal, right from the mouth to the anus, though mostly the terminal part, gets inflamed causing pain and damage to it, it is called Crohns disease. Rectal bleeding, diarrhoea and ulceration are some of the common symptoms of the condition. It is also called regional enteritis or ileitis and also bears resemblance to ulcerative colitis. Together these diseases are called inflammatory bowel diseases. This is a chronic condition that remains incurable so far and characteristically shows flare ups and remissions.

The next fundamental question is regarding the cause of the disease. Here, there are no clear answers.The information on the disease that is present expounds on several theories as possible explanations. The most widely accepted theory is that the bodys immune system goes haywire and behaves abnormally confusing food and other such things for foreign particles, consequently attacking them. This leads to an unusual collection of white blood cells in the digestive tract causing inflammations, ulcerations, injury to the bowels and of course, extreme pain. At the same time, information on the disease is unclear whether the immune system theory is actually the cause or a consequence of the disease.

Some important information on the disease is with respect to the predisposing factors. It has been observed that the disease strikes people between the young age of 15 and 35. Information on Crohns disease also points out that it is common in Europe and North America, with USA being the world leader and Asia and South America having the lowest incidence rates. The white population, Jews and smokers are more susceptible to the disease. Going by information available on disease, heredity too plays a role in predisposing a person to the disease. Men are more afflicted by the disease as compared to women and urban areas show greater prevalence of the disease than rural areas.

To conclusively determine whether or not a person has the disease, physical examination, blood and stool tests are necessary and the medical history of the person has to be considered. Barium xrays and endoscopic examinations are used for detecting the disease.

While most of the information on the disease available is inconclusive, it has been accepted that heredity, immunity and environment together do contribute to the disease. Emotional and physical stress are major aggravators and management of the disease entails alterations in diet and lifestyle.

Keeping in mind all the information on Crohns disease and its different aspects, it is quite possible to keep a hold on the condition so as to lead a normal life.

Rohit Chopra has written several useful articles on health and wellness topics like Crohns Disease, Crohns Disease Symptom, crohns disease Treatment,Crohns Disease Diet, etc.Get more useful information on Crohns disease at