Hello all,
Sorry for my absence. Vacation Bible School started today and for the first time since Fitbloggin I feel like the end of my crazy July is in sight. I need to make it through the week and then, well, I have a crazy August. But at least it will be a normal work week and not a 60+ hour week like I have been having. All spare moments have been spent with my family so while I love you all, I just had to stay away.
But here is a quick blurb to let you know I am here. I am trying to find a time to read blogs and blog myself. I am now 25 weeks pregnant and so far so good. Of course I take my glucose test in 2 weeks so we’ll see how that goes. Sadly my healthy living is always impacted by stress and I’ve been eating lots of pizza and fast food. I am definitely sick of it though, so I am looking forward to real meals again this week. Especially now that our garden is full of yummy things! Roasted Zuchinni is on the menu for tonight. Yum.
That’s the news from Liz, I’ll try to post VBS pictures here at some point too. My sets turned out great this year!
Original article: I’m alive!
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