Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Clinical Study Evaluates MORAb-009 Plus Standard Of Care For Extending Survival Of Patients With Mesothelioma

Morphotek®, Inc., a subsidiary of Eisai Corporation of North America, has announced that it has commenced a multi-centered Phase II study of its MORAb-009 monoclonal antibody in mesothelioma. The study will evaluate MORAb-009, plus the chemotherapy drugs pemetrexed and cisplatinum, as a first-line treatment for patients with mesothelioma. Continue reading ...

Self-Digestion As A Means Of Survival

In times of starvation, cells tighten their belts: they start to digest their own proteins and cellular organs. The process - known as autophagy - takes place in special organelles called autophagosomes. It is a strategy that simple yeast cells have developed as a means of survival when times get tough, and in the course of evolution, it has become a kind of self-cleaning process. More at...