I mentioned at the end of July how changing my diet helped me stop binging. I also have noticed how much better of a relationship I have with food. Foods that used to taunt me in the past, foods I’d have to work SO HARD to ignore have are now subdued. I can have a crispy marshmallow treat sit on my desk for DAYS, not be bothered by it and in fact, give it away instead of eating it. Don’t get {Read More}
I mentioned at the end of July how changing my diet helped me stop binging. I also have noticed how much better of a relationship I have with food. Foods that used to taunt me in the past, foods I’d have to work SO HARD to ignore have are now subdued. I can have a crispy marshmallow treat sit on my desk for DAYS, not be bothered by it and in fact, give it away instead of eating it. Don’t get me wrong – being healthy is still not second nature for me, I still have to work to make sure I’m feeding my body what it needs but, there isn’t as much resistance as there had been for years. And trust me, the less resistance, the better.
Want to learn more about some of the changes I’ve made?
Confused about all the healthiness recommendations by experts conflicting each other?
Ready to hear from a REAL dietitian on healthiness?
Want to connect with others who are striving toward a more healthy lifestyle?
Check out the One Breath, One Step: Moving Toward Healthiness event on Saturday, September 7th and sign up either in person or via webinar! Space is limited to the first 20 people so make sure to sign up soon!
Original article: Want to move toward healthiness?
�2013 Prior Fat Girl. All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.priorfatgirl.com