Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How You Can Effectively Reduce Your Fine Lines Naturally

It is not everybody that has the resources to be able to undergo facial lift cosmetic surgery or go for Botox injections. So, most of the population has to find other ways to deal with wrinkles, fine lines and crow's feet which are all among the first signs of aging. For complete story, click here.

Clinton Opens Up About Becoming Vegan

Get the whole story here.

How You Can Effectively Reduce Your Fine Lines Naturally

How You Can Effectively Reduce Your Fine Lines Naturally
It is not everybody that has the resources to be able to undergo facial lift cosmetic surgery or go for Botox injections. So, most of the population has to find other ways to deal with wrinkles, fine lines and crow's feet which are all among the first signs of aging.

Monday, July 29, 2013

I’m alive!

Hello all, Sorry for my absence.  Vacation Bible School started today and for the first time since Fitbloggin I feel like the end of my crazy July is in sight.  I need to make it through the week and then, well, I have a crazy August.   But at least it will be a normal work week and not a 60+ hour week like I have been having.  All spare moments have been spent with my family so while I love {Read More}

Hello all,

Sorry for my absence.  Vacation Bible School started today and for the first time since Fitbloggin I feel like the end of my crazy July is in sight.  I need to make it through the week and then, well, I have a crazy August.   But at least it will be a normal work week and not a 60+ hour week like I have been having.  All spare moments have been spent with my family so while I love you all, I just had to stay away.

But here is a quick blurb to let you know I am here.  I am trying to find a time to read blogs and blog myself.  I am now 25 weeks pregnant and so far so good.  Of course I take my glucose test in 2 weeks so we’ll see how that goes.  Sadly my healthy living is always impacted by stress and I’ve been eating lots of pizza and fast food.  I am definitely sick of it though, so I am looking forward to real meals again this week.  Especially now that our garden is full of yummy things!  Roasted Zuchinni is on the menu for tonight.  Yum.

That’s the news from Liz,  I’ll try to post VBS pictures here at some point too.  My sets turned out great this year!

Original article: I’m alive!

�2013 Prior Fat Girl. All Rights Reserved.

For complete story, click here.

Best Wrinkle Treatment - Is It Botox?

Wrinkles are a part of the normal aging process, they can develop more commonly on the areas of the body that are exposed to the sun; forearms, hands, neck and face. Exposure to the sun is one of biggest contributors to them, although genetics plays the most important factor in the structure and texture of the skin. Smoking, dust, wind and heat are environmental exposures that can contribute to wrinkles also. For complete story, click here.

Weight Loss Myths, Busted

Get the whole story here.

6 Healthy Popsicles That Put Your Neighborhood Ice Cream Truck To Shame

In the sweltering summer heat, ain't nothing like a popsicle to cool you down. We have yet to meet a popsicle we didn't like. Refreshing... For full post, click here.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Too Early to Start Anti-Wrinkle Creams?

Too Early to Start Anti-Wrinkle Creams?
If you survey women in their 20s and asked if they are worried about wrinkles, you'd probably get answers that vary from yes to very. These days when consumers are bombarded with breakthrough anti wrinkle creams and lotions promising a fairer, more youthful glow, and there's a good number of antsy beauty enthusiasts as young as 18 religiously applying anti-aging solutions, one cannot help but wonder if we're using anti-agers earlier than we should.

Another Reason Drinking Coffee Benefits Your Health

Another Reason Drinking Coffee Benefits Your Health

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Top Three Skin Aging Problems and How to Treat Them

Unfortunately, there is no elixir of youth that can make us look young forever. But there are all sorts of products in the market today that of course promises to solve all our skin ageing woes. Be wary though, because not all products in the market live up to its promises. Some of them actually cover up the problem, hence creating more problem over time because it's not treated right at the source. With this, let me share to you some of the top skin ageing problems and how to effectively treat them. Here are some of them. Source

Today, I’m praying.

I originally published a post today that after posting, I became aware of the unfortunate timing and while unintended, insensitive considering the devastating train accident in Spain yesterday. I have experienced first hand unintended insensitive comments; when someone says they feel like they’ve been hit by a car, my heart sinks. But this post isn’t about me. It is about those who are right now trying to figure out what has happened to them in a split second; picking up {Read More}

I originally published a post today that after posting, I became aware of the unfortunate timing and while unintended, insensitive considering the devastating train accident in Spain yesterday. I have experienced first hand unintended insensitive comments; when someone says they feel like they’ve been hit by a car, my heart sinks. But this post isn’t about me. It is about those who are right now trying to figure out what has happened to them in a split second; picking up the pieces and trying to make sense out of something so tragic.

So in light of the horrible train accident in Spain, the accident a few weeks ago in Canada, and ALL THE OTHER unfortunate yet tragic accidents people are going through, today’s post will be short. A post that reminds ME that my problems are nothing compared to what others are going through right now.

A reminder for me to stop and pray for those around me.
A reminder for me to slow down and pray for those around me.
A reminder for me to be aware of what’s really important in this world and pray for those around me.

I put a few reminders on my work calender to prompt me to stop and pray for those around me who are experiencing devastation.

Praying. Praying. Praying.


Original article: Today, I’m praying.

�2013 Prior Fat Girl. All Rights Reserved.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nesting For Weight Loss

Nesting For Weight Loss
Often attempts at weight loss (from here on in I call this fat loss - we don't want to lose our precious muscle mass which does weigh more) fit the paradigm the definition of insanity. Everybody remember this one? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - about as useful as head banging. Time for a paradigm shift - New Plan! Nesting!

Life, It Goes On

When Robert Frost was asked whet he'd learned from life and living, he said he could sum it up in three words Those words were 'it goes on'. We need to keep in mind that life goes on. It is so easy to get caught-up in many of the day-to-day issues and lose sight of this important realisation. Source

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding - Not A Stand-Alone Weight Loss Solution

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding is a weight loss surgery, which is very safe and effective; serious complications are also rare in this procedure. It limits the amount of your daily intake; this is why you experience ... For full post, click here.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Can Food Be Addictive?

When we hear the word addiction, what comes to mind, is a picture of someone hooked on heroin or cocaine. We rarely think of food as addictive. Well am here to tell you categorically that food is just as addictive as heroin. Get the whole story here.

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Decade Passed Contouring Your Problem Areas

Vaser Liposuction uses high frequency sound waves or ultrasound assisted liposuction that vibrates into the applied area and gradually melts down superficial fat that is unwanted to the body and just appears to make your ... You can get the whole story here.

WATCH: What Fast Food Companies Really Mean By 'Egg Whites'

Read the full article.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Thoughts from my Long Run

Thoughts from my Long Run

Happy Saturday! I woke up bright and early to get in a long run. Check out my instagram feed for a quick lil video of my morning. You know I am not one to do a legit long run or race recap where I go through each mile. And I’m assuming you don’t have time [...]

The post Thoughts from my Long Run appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Happy Saturday! I woke up bright and early to get in a long run. Check out my instagram feed for a quick lil video of my morning.

You know I am not one to do a legit long run or race recap where I go through each mile. And I’m assuming you don’t have time for that?

Anyway. I tried to remember some of my random thoughts to share with the class.

My brain on a long run:

Mile 1: La di da… running running

Mile 3: There is seriously no one out right now! Just me. Hope I don’t get kidnapped…

Mile 6: Scare the crap out of a woman who is on the phone. I said “Good Morning!” two times but she was super into her call.

Mile 8: See a police officer walking a blood hound, three other officers follow a ways back and two police cars drive alongside them. Freak out and think there is a bomb.  Get less freaked out when I remember I’m in Irvine.

nuun and waterbottle on a run 800x450 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

Mile 9.5: Refill my water bottle. Eat Sports beans. Brought along an extra Nuun for later in the run.

Mile 12: Waffles.

Mile 14: Sex.

Mile 16: Can I switch my races to half marathons instead of fulls? <- Think this at some point on every long run.

Mile 17: No seriously, I’m going to check.

Mile 18: 18 is almost 20, I bet I can stop.

Mile 20: Time to eat.

20 mile run on the garmin 450x800 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

the district 800x450 thumb Thoughts from my Long Runwhole foods in tustin 800x450 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

eggs after a run 800x450 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

shots but of wheatgrass 450x800 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

 image thumb36 Thoughts from my Long Run

chocolate cookie in the car 450x800 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

The rest of the day will be spent relaxin’ and eatin’. Just like I like it wlEmoticon winkingsmile4 Thoughts from my Long Run

relaxing with procompression 450x800 thumb Thoughts from my Long Run

Question: If you had to pick one shot which would you choose: Vodka OR Wheatgrass?

The post Thoughts from my Long Run appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


Mark Hyman, MD: How To Prepare For A Food 'Emergency'

Mark Hyman, MD: How To Prepare For A Food 'Emergency'

Friday, July 19, 2013

It’s not fair. Because life isn’t fair.

It’s not fair. Because life isn’t fair.
This heat is making me cranky. I don’t feel like cooking, I don’t feel like being social or active. We don’t have air conditioning since our house is so old and adding central air is so expensive. We do have a window unit in the kitchen and one upstairs – they’ve been working but because it’s so hot, they haven’t really been able to keep up. I’m so glad the heat wave has finally broken (right? it has, right?!) I’ve gotten {Read More}

This heat is making me cranky. I don’t feel like cooking, I don’t feel like being social or active. We don’t have air conditioning since our house is so old and adding central air is so expensive. We do have a window unit in the kitchen and one upstairs – they’ve been working but because it’s so hot, they haven’t really been able to keep up. I’m so glad the heat wave has finally broken (right? it has, right?!) I’ve gotten a few runs in this week and plan on making Tilapia, asparagus and sweet potatoes for dinner tonight to kick the weekend off right.

I’ve been stuck this week in a “it’s not fair” thinking the past couple days. I hate when that statement creeps into my head because I KNOW life is not fair. Here’s what I’ve thought this week:

  • It’s not fair that I’ve worked out 5x a week for the past 3 week and the scale is moving so slowly (seriously… ounces?!)
  • It’s not fair that I can’t go out to eat like I see other people who are thinner than me eat out
  • It’s not fair that I can’t drink like I see other people who are thinner than me drink
  • It’s not fair that I have to focus so hard on this when others don’t.
  • It’s not fair that I see people eating ice cream and I know it’ll go right to my tush.
  • It’s not fair that I feel like the scale won’t move even though I’ve doing what I’m supposed to.

It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. I just want to slap myself and say “Yeah, it’s not fair… because life isn’t fair!” And I want to shake myself and say “miscarriages aren’t fair. and rape isn’t fair. and murder isn’t fair.” Life isn’t fair. My body is my body and it doesn’t act/react the way other bodies do. Someone slap me.


Despite my cranky “it’s not fair” attitude, I’ve eaten fairly balanced the past couple days and have done:

Sunday – hour of cardio/weights
Monday – rest day
Tuesday – 3 miles
Wednesday – skipped cardio
Thursday – 3 miles
Friday – rest day
Saturday – 6 miles (planned)

This weekend, we are going to finish painting. Because it’s been so hot and since our house isn’t the coolest, we haven’t finished it. Aside from the 6 miles I have tomorrow, I’ll do 45-60 minutes of cardio on Sunday. Not sure what else is planned for this weekend aside from the typical weekend activities: grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc. Oh, I know – definitely seeing my sisters and nieces/nephews on Sunday too.

We have a dog we are doggy sitting, his name is Milos and he is adorable.

Iggy and milos

Milos will be with us for about 3 weeks and has a temperament/personality similar to Iggy’s which makes watching him so much easier! I love doggy sitting, especially when the dogs we watch are as easy like Milos.

A reader left a comment asking about options now that Google Reader is gone:

Picture1Here are some ways to get PriorFatGirl easily:

  • In your inbox: There is a box in the upper right hand side of the site to get PriorFatGirl posts in your inbox! You’ll be the first to know when a post is published.
  • Feedly: everything you read, all in one place. This is becoming one of the most popular services in a post-Google Reader world. And, you can import your feeds.
  • Digg Reader: similar to Feedly, compiles all your reads in one place. You can import feeds.
  • Facebook: “like” PriorFatGirl on facebook and when new posts are published, you’ll see them in your timeline
  • Twitter: follow us and see what we are saying. when we aren’t blogging! Also, you’ll see links to posts in your feed. Follow Jen HERE, follow Liz HERE and follow Elle HERE.

Okay – I feel like this post is all over the place so lemme just say one more thing:



Original article: It’s not fair. Because life isn’t fair.

�2013 Prior Fat Girl. All Rights Reserved.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

What Ingredients Must an Effective Anti-Wrinkle Cream Have?

What Ingredients Must an Effective Anti-Wrinkle Cream Have?
An anti-wrinkle cream works to plump up the surface of your skin in the gentlest way. Skin aging is something that cannot be stopped. There are however ways you can retard the aging process. There are also ways you can hide the signs of skin aging. Whether you are just on your mid-twenties and noticing the first signs of skin aging or already into your fifties, there are always ways you can improve the elasticity of your skin.

Kyle Koeppel: Diet and Exercise: One Way in Which I Have Embraced Doing What I Can to Keep Myself Healthy

For complete story, click here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weighing in From the Beach

Good morning everyone!

The kids were up at the crack of dawn again despite another jam-packed day on the beach yesterday. And people say I have a lot of energy. These kids are like little Energizer bunnies!

We’ve been frolicking in the ocean all day and walking the boards all night. It’s been a pretty [...]

Good morning everyone!

The kids were up at the crack of dawn again despite another jam-packed day on the beach yesterday. And people say I have a lot of energy. These kids are like little Energizer bunnies!

We’ve been frolicking in the ocean all day and walking the boards all night. It’s been a pretty typical family vacation and that includes lots of pizza, ice cream and snacks. I have to be completely honest, my attempt at the no night-time snacking this week was a big failure.

I thought the challenge would help. It didn’t.

I also thought I could keep pizza eating to a minimum. I haven’t.

That being said, I’m rocking everything else. I’ve run every day I’ve been here and am about to head out again after I publish this. I took a beach yoga class last night. I walk everywhere, half the time carrying a 30-pound toddler. And I’m wearing a bathing suit daily without covering up or fearing what I look like.

Oh, it’s crossed my mind and I’ve been a little insecure while getting dressed but when I’m actually on the beach I’m too active running around with the kids to care. THAT has always been my ultimate goal and it’s more important than any number on some stupid scale.


That is also my inspiration for this week’s challenge. Five years ago I wrote 3 Steps To a Healthier YOU! Step 1 was Self-Acceptance. Our challenge this week is to put it into practice. Click here to read the self-acceptance post, have a good talk with yourself, and then take a chance this week. Wear something you’ve been scared to wear. Do something you’ve been scared to do. Push yourself ever so slightly out of your body-image comfort zone.

As I say in the post, confidence can be learned but it must be practiced, especially by those of us who have body issues.

I hope you’ll join me on this week’s challenge. Every day I step out of the house in my bathing suit it’s a little scary, but it gets easier and easier!

Can’t wait to read your updates! 

This post is from

Here is the full post.

Losing Weight The Easy Way With Herbs

Losing Weight The Easy Way With Herbs
Losing weight is never easy. In fact, most women struggle their entire life to reach their ideal body weight. It does not help that almost all weight loss programs focus on calorie restriction, smaller portions ...

What To Consider When Choosing Running Shoes

What To Consider When Choosing Running Shoes

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7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV

Happy Tuesday! On Friday I got a few messages that readers spotted me on ABC World News. No, they weren’t interviewing me for my opinion on the Zimmerman trial – this was the fluff they put to distract from things like that… the 7 Minute Workout! I made a video of the 7 minute workout [...]

The post 7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Happy Tuesday!

On Friday I got a few messages that readers spotted me on ABC World News. No, they weren’t interviewing me for my opinion on the Zimmerman trial – this was the fluff they put to distract from things like that… the 7 Minute Workout!

I made a video of the 7 minute workout a few weeks ago when it first came out. Since then the video has gotten almost 50K views. And last week a producer from the show messaged me to ask if they could use a clip of my video. Um, yes.

It’s just 2 seconds of me doing the sit-ups part, but I was excited about it.

image thumb32 7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV

This link below will take you to the complete episode. The package on the 7 minute workout is about 2/3 of the way into the show. There’s a little line in the bottom track that you can jump to.

ABC World News Tonight 7 Minute Workout Story

My 7 Minute Workout video

So my “Just the Tip” for today is actually just directed at myself.

Dear Monican, If you are going to put a video on YouTube brush your hair and put some decent clothes on. Thanks.

I need to learn from my favorite Honey Boo Boo and always bring my “A” game.always bring your A game honey boo boo thumb 7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV

Side note: The new HBB season starts this week and I’m excited. I love ‘em. Also, I am still super obsessed with the south and want to visit them in McIntyre, GA. Shhh it’s a wig.�

The Oatmeal on Running <- several people sent me this! Have you seen it?

image thumb33 7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV

And finally… I’ve decided I want to try and clean up my act with fashion and beauty stuff (it’s not just because of my slobbery in the video, promise. This is a long time coming).

To my credit, I did skip these super awesome Mickey Mouse leggings…

image thumb34 7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV

Anyway – I put out a call on twitter and wanted to ask here…

What fashion / beauty blogs do you read that can help ‘normal’ people?

The post 7 Minute Workout and .7 Seconds on TV appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

Read the full article.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

10 Homemade Remedies For Glowing Skin

If you want beautiful and healthy skin, skin creams aren't always the answer. There are many everyday habits you can form in order to keep your skin young and glowing. Here are 10 amazing tips you can follow to get the skin you want. Get the whole story here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We Do Have A Genetic Time Clock!

We Do Have A Genetic Time Clock!
Anti-aging is one of the fastest growing sectors in health care. The bottom line is people want to postpone that inevitable end date to their lives and live as well as they can until then. The question then becomes, "Is there a genetic time clock?" Are we pre-set to live a certain amount of time or can we alter this? We all know how we can shorten out lifespans, we have become quite good at that, but extend it? To be able to measure the time we have life? To add quantitative years to our life as well as qualitative life to our years? New epigenetic research would have us believe, YES, it is all possible, the only question is how? Take a good look at what we have here and learn for yourself!

Fit Links: What Not To Eat After A Workout And More

You can get the whole story here.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Another State Seeks Tighter Abortion Clinic Rules

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Can You Do About Existing Forehead Fine Lines?

Fine lines are a normal part of aging, but let's face it - plenty of us started to experience forehead creases before aging was even a consideration. Some people start to notice them in their teenage years, while others don't start to see them until their late 30s or early 40s. For full post, click here.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

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Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight Loss
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Monday, July 1, 2013

Heavyweight or Heavy Weights?

Women – I should actually say, some women – have a real fear of lifting weights. When I tell people that I prefer my BodyPump workouts and my weights rather than endless hours on the treadmill, they look at me as if I am crazy. I have a feeling that they think weight lifting turns


Women – I should actually say, some women – have a real fear of lifting weights. When I tell people that I prefer my BodyPump workouts and my weights rather than endless hours on the treadmill, they look at me as if I am crazy. I have a feeling that they think weight lifting turns you into some pumped up, bronzed hybrid of Fatima Whitbred and Arnold Schwarzenegger…well, I have news for you…


Lifting weights – and I only lift fairly easy going ones at the moment – makes you feel immense. I can’t describe it really, but I call it the ‘Lara Croft’ effect – I feel like I could kick ass! In a previous era, as a gym-goer, most of my personal training sessions were focused upon lifting weight and creating resistance. My body became more toned so not only did I feel better but I looked better; my clothes seemed to look more well-fitted and I wasn’t wobbling as much!

I won’t bombard you with pictures of women who lift weights. What I will do is tell you that I have seen some amazing before and after pictures on Twitter recently of women who has totally changed their body shapes using weights. Some of whom were not overweight in the first place, yet weigh a tiny bit more now…but the difference in their looks is amazing. They look tighter, toned, defined and glowing. So although some of them might weigh an extra 7lbs or so, they wear smaller clothes and look fantastic – honestly!

For me, being healthy is far more than a number on the scales. If someone told you that you could be a healthy size 12 – or 10 if you are desperate to be a 10! – but that you wouldn’t necessarily reach the goal weight that you have in mind, would you take it? I know I would!

Being strong is quite important really from both a health and cosmetic perspective – have a look at the points below regarding the benefits of weight lifting…

Helps increase after burn – high intensity strength training can actually help you burn extra calories for hours after your workout
Prevents loss of lean body mass which happens when you lose weight via diet, and as you age
Burning calories – strength training doesn’t burn as many calories in one sitting as cardio, it does contribute to your overall calorie expenditure due to the after burn mentioned above
Changes your body composition, which helps shape your body and keep you healthy
Strengthens bones and connective tissue along with muscles
Keeps you strong and active as you get older
Improves coordination, balance and may help prevent injuries

One of the things that I noticed recently was how much easier I was finding it to shift bales of hay at the stables…and carrying the shopping in from the car. I also helped lug around a couple of wardrobes the other day and managed to get a lid off a jar when everyone else had tried and failed…although they did tell me that they had loosened it off for me! ;-)

The confidence – or that Lara Croft effect – you get from feeling strong is pretty addictive in a good way. I don’t lift heavy weights, yet the number of repetitions I do means that I feel the burn! Yet as much as I struggle and curse my way through BodyPump, I feel amazing afterwards; as if I can achieve anything. This confidence is such a boost and is helping my mind as well as my body become, and stay, healthy.

If you are tempted to try out weights yet worry about getting bulky, then fear not. Us women do not possess the level of hormones needed to bulk up. We are all different shapes and sizes and some of us naturally have higher muscle density; to get the bulk that you fear, you would have to train so bloody hard and probably change your diet to suit that training. Gaining muscle is not an easy thing to do…yet toning and sculpting your body can be easier than you think.

Have a quick look at this thread on My Fitness Pal which shows some pics of women who lift weights. Some of the transformations are great! I haven’t read all of the comments as I was too busy looking at the pics…I think you will agree that they look great and they have a glow about them too.

That’s it for me then – I won’t give advice as to how to go about lifting weights, other than to say to speak to a personal trainer or someone knowledgable about that kind of thing. I will say, ‘just do it’ – go for it and see what difference it could make for you…my bingo wings and arms are looking more toned already and that is really after only four weeks of proper focus.

So then, the usuals…

Last night we were woken in the early hours by what sounded like an explosion. We couldn’t work out what it was, but could then smell smoke and had to close the windows. This meant we ended up hot, had to turn the fan on which makes a right noise, and couldn’t sleep! Apparently what we heard was a huge blaze miles and miles away from us in the Midlands. My car actually had soot on it and we live probably 50 plus miles away from the scene of the blaze. The sky also looked rather ominous as dawn broke…the smoke cloud covered the Midlands apparently. Anyway, it has been a fairly uneventful day, apart from my other half’s company deciding not to pay him – what joy when we are trying to manage on one income. My Mum came to the rescue which I am grateful for, but also incredibly pissed off about as I hate borrowing money from people! This situation has caused huge arguments today between my other half and I as he does not want to annoy his company…argh! He has done the work and needs paying, and if I have to visit fecking California to unleash a can of whoop-ass on them, then I will! So it has been a delightful day – can you sense the sarcasm?! I should probably manage the money differently but we dropped over £45k with me not working and it is hard to manage that kind of deficit at times. Financial worries were a contributing factor to my binge eating – just as the cost of the binges caused financial issues…vicious circle – and so issues like this make it a testing time for me. No binging for me though – I don’t want to do it, but I haven’t got any money for the shopping anyway! ;-) Tonight I will probably be stropping around whining about having no money.

Breakfast: 2 Alpen Light bars (1 x HEB) and a banana.

20130701-191921.jpgLunch: Chicken salad with balsamic dressing and Ryvita (1 x HEB) with garlic and herb Philadelphia (2 x HEA and 4 syns).

20130701-192034.jpgDinner: Leftover curried lamb soup with roast butternut squash and roast radish.

20130701-202910.jpgSnacks: Two packets of Snack a Jacks (9 syns).

20130701-203024.jpgA good food day. I tried some posh balsamic vinegar on my salad today and it was rather! Considering it is syn free, I think it will be a regular addition to my salads. The Ryvita was immense too – you can’t beat it with Philly on top! Dinner was just the leftover soup along with some roasted butternut squash. I decided to throw the radishes in the Actifry too and they were quite nice!

Exercise: 3 x 10 minute treadmill sessions.

I was a little concerned as to how I would feel this morning given my treadmill session yesterday, and so was pleasantly surprised to have a lack of aches and pains…all of this exercise is paying off! Today was a scheduled rest day, but I still like to do a little bit before my total slob day tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my money moans…

Weight Loss Bitch xxx

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