Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ways of Ensuring That Sinus Infection Relief is Achieved
Drinking hot liquids usually makes you have sinus infection relief. Having hot drinks such as hot tea and hot chicken soup for the better part of the day, helps to moisturize the mucous membranes which in turn help speed up the celia (tiny hairs found on the surface of nasal cells) movement and in the process, washing mucus away from the sinuses much faster. For those of you who suffer from this health condition whenever you are traveling by plane due to the dry air on the jet liners affecting your sinuses, make it a habit to carry some tea bags with you and once in the plane ask for hot water so that you can make your hot cup of tea. A point to note here is that, although hot liquids are said to reduce the level of suffering, hot coffee is however not recommended because it does not have any relief effect on the patient.