Written by Jaime Olivera on December 2nd, 2011
An alternative to sleeping pills is melatonin. This hormone is marketed as an over-the-counter drug and sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland mainly at night to facilitate sleep, and it also helps with dreaming and the sleep cycle. People who are suffering from sleeping problems caused by insufficient melatonin can benefit from taking melatonin supplements.
It is important to figure out what is the suitable melatonin dosage for your own body’s needs. No one is the same and our physiologic needs are different. A general guideline is to start with a very low dosage and then if it doesn’t work after several nights, to switch to a higher dose.
Side effects can occur if you take too much melatonin. Melatonin side effects such as headaches and dull drowsiness are the result of taking excessive melatonin. Some people can tolerate larger doses while others cannot.
Source: www.newpublichealth.com