Monday, June 30, 2008
West Nile Virus - Causes, Symptoms and Prevention
If you enjoy spending time outdoors whether it be gardening, attending a sporting event or just taking a pleasant stroll, the annoyance of insects is a common companion. The incessant buzz of the mosquito is often the only warning signal we receive of an impending bite. The swelling and itching associated with the mosquito bite is typically considered the price that needs paid to escape the confines of our homes and get a bit of fresh air and sunshine. Unfortunately and in increasing instances, the frustrating mosquito bite is also bringing with it the potentially deadly West Nile virus.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Curing Cancer With Herbal Remedies
Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display the traits of uncontrolled growth (growth and division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). Curing cancer with herbal remedies - a case for shamans and herb women? Not at all, for many chemotherapies to fight cancer applied in modern medicine are natural products or were developed on the basis of natural substances. Thus, taxanes used in prostate and breast cancer treatment are made from yew trees.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
How to Identify Yeast Infection Causes and Cures
Yeast infection causes a good deal of misery, aggravation and even embarrassment to a huge number of women and men every year. Indeed research indicates that three quarters of women and almost fifty percent of men will suffer yeast infection symptoms at one time or another. For some this can be the beginning of a decline into a cycle of chronic infection accompanied by a wide array of symptoms many of which are often confused with other illnesses even by medical professionals. Understanding the root causes of the problem can help in identifying the best treatment for yeast infection.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Nail and Toenail Fungus Cure - The 7 Essential Ingredients
For all you nail and toenail fungus sufferers, I feel for you. I was one for two years so i know exactly what you are going through. To make sure you find the best natural treatment for nail fungus, let me recommended some active ingredients that that you should be looking for when choosing a natural cure. Whether your choosing a cream or a topical that you can brush on, the important thing to remember is that you read the label or find out what the ingredients a product contains before you buy it, to be sure it is not only free of harmful chemicals but also natural.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Knowing What Causes Diabetes Will Go a Long Way in Our Search For a Cure
What causes diabetes has been the topic for ages. What drives the scientists in trying to discover the next best thing to insulin is what they know about the possible factors that trigger the development of this condition. What is known for sure is that one can't catch diabetes by being exposed to one who has the condition. Neither can one get it from what he has eaten. Sometimes, diabetes makes its appearance after an illness but the scientists are clear that those illnesses have not caused the diabetes. The thing that they can say about the connection between the two is that the former may have just hastened the occurrence of the diabetes.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
How Do You Stay Away From Harmful Bacteria And Remain Healthy?
Yersinia pestis alias bubonic plague, is a rod-shaped type of bacterium which is well known for its harmful nature. Bacteria-carrying fleas found on animals such as rats and mice transmit the bacteria that are believed to have caused the deaths of millions of people in the 14th century in Europe. This group of bacteria was further branded the name, "Black death" due to the fact that the bacteria causes their victim to have a dark discoloration on their face after they die. Due to medical advancements, infections caused by this type of bacteria are able to be treated by doctors.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Do You Enjoy The Subject On Bacteria And Fungi Like Me?
Something that is common though between bacteria and fungi, is that both of them a great decomposers. Scientists have proven that, for every gram of soil, about five million bacteria exist in it. As a result of this, when animals die and fall to the ground, these bacteria get to feed on it and usually within a short period of time, one can only see the bones of the dead animal. This is achieved because the bacteria helped in decomposing the animal. Fungi on the other hand being heterotrophy, secrete digestive enzymes and absorb the resulting soluble nutrients from their host.
Monday, June 23, 2008
You Could Be Suffering From Fungal Sinusitis in Silence
Most fungal sinusitis infections tend to make you experience severe headaches, nasal congestion due to mucus pilling up in the nostrils, fever, pain in the sinus located areas as you try hard to breathe and frequent coughing. Other symptoms may also include having a nasal discharge resembling pus coming out of your nose accompanied by occasional sneezing. After noticing these symptoms taking place in your body, it is advisable for you to seek medical attention from your doctor. Once your doctor has conducted an intensive diagnosis, he or she will be able to prescribe a proper course of treatment that may effectively cure you.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Some Various Possible Ways to Contact HIV-Aids
HIV/AIDS can be contacted from oral sex: If there is a broken tissue or sore in the mouth or where ever there is a possibility that the body fluids can be exchanged, the potential of HIV/AIDS transmission is likely to be contacted. Oral sex can transmit HIV/AIDS infection both from an infected male to an uninfected female and from an infected female to an uninfected male too. Both semen and vaginal fluid from HIV/AIDS infected persons contain a very large quantities of HIV/AIDS virus. The viral burden in these fluids reflects the amount that is found in the blood {plasma}.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Know How to Treat a Sinus Infection With Much Ease
To achieve desired results, the nasal sprays need not be used more than prescribed by the doctor. The sole reason for this, is to prevent the infection from becoming resistant to the spray and not be able to respond accordingly whenever it is used. Among the nasal sprays frequently used today is Atrovent which can easily be bought from any pharmacy near you. Antihistamines on the other hand, are also taken orally and work by stopping the actions of histamine found inside the body. Histamine is a body compound produced after allergic reactions occur in the body. Once produced, the body compound can inflame the sinuses and in the long run, cause a sinus infection to take place.
Friday, June 20, 2008
How Yoga and Pilates Can Help With Fibromyalgia
Many individuals are suffering from a disorder that is known as fibromyalgia. This particular problem occurs more often in women than in men and can cause problems that include all over muscle pain and aches in various parts of the body, sensitivity to light, irritable bowel syndrome and tiredness, even after a person has had a full nights sleep. Unfortunately, they are unsure of what causes fibromyalgia in the first place. Although there are some medications that you can take in order to alleviate some of the difficulties, it often becomes a matter of treating the symptoms rather than trying to find a cure for the disease itself.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Whose Truth is it Anyway?
My willingness to explore beyond a world of limiting beliefs and patterns attracted pioneering individuals who had already discovered another reality. Journeying into the unknown within myself allowed me to clear inner baggage blocking life force energy contaminating both my inner and outer world. In 2007 after being diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal I allowed gratitude to embrace distorted parts of me feeding the cancer, which transformed limiting beliefs into limitless possibilities. Following surgical removal of the tumour, I was guided from within by the only Power that is real and instead of chemo and radiation my Inner GPS or God Presence Soul restored my biology to wellness naturally and permanently.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Why Does a Sinus Infection Headache Occur?
Infection of maxillary sinuses are believed to be situated in the middle part of your face, below the eyes and to the side of your nose, often cause pain to be felt across your face and according to medical reports, the maxillary sinuses appear to be the ones that get infected most of the time. Doctors always ask for this symptom when conducting a diagnosis to ascertain that indeed you are suffering from a sinus infection. However, occasionally, a rare occurrence of a sinus infection headache can also take place in the back part of your head. This type of headache occurs when the deepest situated pair of sinuses known as the sphenoid sinuses get infected.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Knowledge On Oral Bacteria Can Boost Your Mouth Hygiene
They are regarded as harmful to the human mouth because they have the ability to consume refined sugar and in turn release acid. Most of the time, the body immune system is prepared to counter this action but for young babies who still have their immune system underdeveloped, the acid appears to supersede the action taken by the immune system. When this happens, the baby's teeth get to react with this acid and as a result of this action, the baby experiences the problem of teeth cavity. To avoid this from happening, it is usually advisable not to feed the baby with food staffs containing a lot of refined sugar.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Detecting Sinus Infection Symptoms is Very Easy
Congested nasal pathways are common sinus infection symptoms that usually occur whenever a person is having sinusitis problems. The situation takes place as a result of mucus getting trapped in the patient's sinuses. When mucous membranes inside your nose and sinuses become inflamed, movement of celia (tiny hairs that are found on the nasal cells that are responsible for pushing away mucus) reduces.As a result, mucus in the nasal passages accumulates and form a blockage of the air pathways as well as that of sinuses hence experiencing discomfort and congestion inside the nose. This problem could however be easily done away with by using appropriate decongestants prescribed by the doctor.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Four Emerging Breakthroughs In Solving Brain Tumors
Despite significant advances in cancer research and treatment, one form of cancer - brain tumors - remain particularly feared, and for good reason. Because of their location, brain tumors can severely impact an individual's personality, memories and basic motor skills, robbing the patient of their very being. The impact on family and friends is felt greatly, as their loved one may be "lost" to them even earlier than feared. While there are more than 120 types of brain tumors, for the most common and serious adult tumors, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the chances of living 5 years is less than 3%. Most patients will live no more than a year or two despite aggressive therapy.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Stages of Cancer Progression and Factors That Aggravate Cancer Risks
Cancer unlike any infectious fever doesn't form overnight. For example malarial fever, typhoid, jaundice etc. may affect a person within days of coming in contact with the virus or bacteria but it may take decades for the cancer to get initiated, progress and prove fatal. There are various stages of the cancer first is the presence of carcinogens. There has to be presence of carcinogens in the body. Carcinogens are free radicals that are formed due to normal body metabolism as well as external factors like smoke, environmental pollution, pesticides entering body through food chain etc. Second stage is the process of initiation where these carcinogens cause sufficient cellular damage and affect the DNA structure.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Avoid Endless Side Effects by Using Natural Cure For Sinus Infection
Another natural cure for sinus infection is garlic.To use this natural cure to treat your sinus condition,just chop up two or three cloves of the garlic very finely and put it inside a bowl.Mix the garlic with several drops of water, may be about 40 of them and then cover the mixture.Let it stay for a period not exceeding 15 minutes for the water to absorb the oils being extracted from the garlic. After this has been achieved, uncover the bowl and then use a dropper to insert this solution inside each nostril.This process will make you experience immense pain as the garlic solution passes through the inflamed sinus cells but in the long run it will cure you.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Chronic Sinusitis Treatment is Available For All
When this takes place, histamine being one of the body compounds, gets a chance to be produced and subsequently, it reacts with the cells found on the surfaces of sinus linings. When this reaction occurs, the cells get damaged and in turn, the lining is forced to swell up causing an air obstruction in the process. When air is prevented from reaching the sinus cavity, it makes it difficult for bacteria in the nostrils from being destroyed by the oxygen present in the air. As a consequence, the bacteria multiply in huge numbers and inflame the paranasal sinuses which in the end cause sinusitis to occur. When this incident happens to a person who may at the time be suffering from an immunodeficiency disease such as AIDS or Diabetes, the infection takes longer to heal and the person is said to be suffering from chronic sinusitis.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bacterial Yeast Infection is Just Around the Corner
Something to note is that, bacterial yeast infection can not only occur in adults but can also occur in babies and children belonging to either sex. Babies are able to get this infection when feces containing yeast bacteria in their diapers come into contact with their genital organs. In addition to this, it is said that when a woman having a yeast infection is giving birth, there is a great chance that the yeast bacteria around the vagina may infect the newborn baby with an oral thrush infection in the mouth something that can in turn infect your breast. This breast infection makes the breast feel pain whenever you are feeding the baby and may at times cause bleeding.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What Causes Cancer? Can Cancer Be Prevented?
One major reason for the deadly disease cancer to strike us is the pile of toxins and toxic damage in our body. This source of these toxins can be external as well as internal. We are subjected to both internal and external poisoning. Toxins - read free radicals are generated from natural body metabolism. The external factors that add to the toxins are many right from the food we intake to air we breath to water we drink apart from various infections. Our bodies are exposed to a wide variety of external carcinogenic pollutants daily. Examples are the benzoprene found in cigarette smoke, the lead and gasoline vapors of industrial and automotive emissions, the pesticides, herbicides, and hormones that infiltrate our food chain.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wake Up And Distinguish The Various Bacterial Skin Infections
Cellulitis is one of the bacterial skin infections which normally occurs in places where the skin appears to be broken. Such areas may include surgical wounds, cuts from cutlery, pricks from sharp objects, ulcerations and so on. Rarely does this type of skin infection appear on a normal skin surface. The infection causes the patient to experience pain around the area where the infection is and may cause one to suffer from fever. The immune system of the patient may contain a high count of white blood cells so that it may try to fight the infection. Cellulitis is considered dangerous because it is able to attack skin on any part of the body including the face, legs, hands, feet, torso, buttocks and even the neck.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ways of Ensuring That Sinus Infection Relief is Achieved
Drinking hot liquids usually makes you have sinus infection relief. Having hot drinks such as hot tea and hot chicken soup for the better part of the day, helps to moisturize the mucous membranes which in turn help speed up the celia (tiny hairs found on the surface of nasal cells) movement and in the process, washing mucus away from the sinuses much faster. For those of you who suffer from this health condition whenever you are traveling by plane due to the dry air on the jet liners affecting your sinuses, make it a habit to carry some tea bags with you and once in the plane ask for hot water so that you can make your hot cup of tea. A point to note here is that, although hot liquids are said to reduce the level of suffering, hot coffee is however not recommended because it does not have any relief effect on the patient.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Factors Affecting The Coliform Bacteria Count Are Well Understood
The coliform bacteria count refers to the number of the coliform bacteria colonies found in every 100ml of the water sample being tested. Different numbers of these colonies tend to suggest different levels of water contamination. However, given that the coliform bacteria comprise of three types of bacteria species namely the Fecal coliform, E. coli coliform and lastly the Total coliform, different valuations are assigned to each type. In our case, the Fecal bacteria is rated as the highest contamination agent of water. The reason here being that, the Fecal coliform is largely situated in the feces of humans and animals. This factor allows it to carry with it other pathogenic bacteria that may cause a lot of harm to other organisms. Such problems includes cholera outbreaks and so on.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Do You Know Intestinal Bacteria Is To Your Advantage
The E. coli bacteria are other intestinal bacteria found in both animals and humans. They mainly help with the food digestion process and production of vitamins including vitamin K. Both these activities are seen to be beneficial to us as they help us grow better. In animals such as cows, goats, giraffes and the deer, these bacteria stay in the rumen where they are used to break down the grass and hay ingested by the animal into simpler nutrients that the animal can easily absorb into the blood stream. However, at times having the E. coli bacteria inside the intestines could be considered as dangerous because sometimes, these bacteria contain the harmful strain of E. coli 0157:H7 which causes a person to have a blood stained diarrhea until treatment is taken.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Best Anti-Cancer Program
Do you know a cancer patient who needs healing, not just of the cancer, but also of 'negative' emotions? Does someone you know need a highly effective program to help heal physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually - for past, present, or future problems? If you need a holiday, combine a break with our 2-week program in our beautiful center in San Miguel Allende, Mexico. If you cannot travel, a trained therapist can visit you anywhere in the world. Cancer sufferers benefit not just with our anti-cancer techniques; they also benefit by healing emotions such as sadness, anger, depression or guilt; and if there is fear of dying, or sleeplessness, or pain etc, we have ways to help that can benefit you immensely. For your best chance of health, comfort and happiness, contact us today.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
3 Effective Natural Cures For Yeast Infection
Natural cures for yeast infection can help to get rid of fungal infections without the use of drugs and medicines. If you are one of the people who experience worsening condition after using antibiotics or get no results with topical treatment, then you should read this article.
These yeast infections usually affect around dentures, under the breast, vagina and lower abdomen, nail beds, and beneath skin folds. People tends to suffer from this disease as they grow older. In fact, yeast infections can affect anyone regardless of age. The worst affected part would be your groin, penis, and vagina.
Click here for more information on natural cures for yeast infection.
These yeast infections usually affect around dentures, under the breast, vagina and lower abdomen, nail beds, and beneath skin folds. People tends to suffer from this disease as they grow older. In fact, yeast infections can affect anyone regardless of age. The worst affected part would be your groin, penis, and vagina.
Click here for more information on natural cures for yeast infection.
Natural Ways To Cure Yeast Infections With 3 Simple Methods
Why do people look for natural ways to cure yeast infections? Women, men and children are susceptible to yeast infection or the overgrowth of Candida fungus. The symptoms vary from one person to another. This creates difficulties in seeking the right treatment. Modern medicine cannot treat the source of the problem. Moreover, there are the risk of side effects using over-the-counter or prescribed medication in treating thrush, candida and fungi infection. Oftentimes, victims experience recurring symptoms even after the treatment.
Click here for more information on natural ways to cure yeast infections
Click here for more information on natural ways to cure yeast infections
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