Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nesting For Weight Loss

Nesting For Weight Loss
Often attempts at weight loss (from here on in I call this fat loss - we don't want to lose our precious muscle mass which does weigh more) fit the paradigm the definition of insanity. Everybody remember this one? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - about as useful as head banging. Time for a paradigm shift - New Plan! Nesting!

Life, It Goes On

When Robert Frost was asked whet he'd learned from life and living, he said he could sum it up in three words Those words were 'it goes on'. We need to keep in mind that life goes on. It is so easy to get caught-up in many of the day-to-day issues and lose sight of this important realisation. Source

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding - Not A Stand-Alone Weight Loss Solution

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding is a weight loss surgery, which is very safe and effective; serious complications are also rare in this procedure. It limits the amount of your daily intake; this is why you experience ... For full post, click here.