Monday, February 11, 2008

Research To Examine Connection Between Cancer, Genetics Among American Indians

The Montana Cancer Institute Foundation and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Health Department are collaborating on a new program to determine whether American Indians possess certain genetic traits that could fight cancer or make them respond less effectively to cancer treatments, the Complete news at...

Elderly nursing home residents whose care is funded by Medicaid, a state-administered scheme in the US that pays for healthcare for people with low incomes, receive limited cancer services, with only a small proportion undergoing surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, warns a study. Approximately one in 10 people living in elderly nursing homes have cancer, but very little research has previously looked at this group. Complete news at...

What is your probability to live at age 90 and beyond? How can one live health and without disease? It turns that there are things people can do to improve their health and live longer, shows the research published at Archives of Internal Medicine. Complete news at...