Friday, October 24, 2008

Onset Of Type 1 Diabetes May Be Delayed By Green Tea

Onset Of Type 1 Diabetes May Be Delayed By Green Tea
A powerful antioxidant in green tea may prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes, Medical College of Georgia researchers say. Researchers were testing EGCG, green tea's predominant antioxidant, in a laboratory mouse with type 1 diabetes and primary Sjogren's syndrome, which damages moisture-producing glands, causing dry mouth and eyes.

Oramed Pharmaceuticals Launches Phase 1A Trials Of Its Insulin Suppository
Oramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: ORMP.OB), a developer of alternative drug delivery systems, announced today that it has received approval from the South Africa Medicines Control Council (MCC) to begin conducting Phase 1A trials on eight healthy human volunteers for ORMD 0802, the company's newly developed insulin suppository.

Black Women In Duval County, Fla., Have Higher Mortality Rate Than Whites For A Number Of Diseases, Report Finds
Black women in Duval County, Fla., are dying at a younger age than white women from a number of conditions, including HIV/AIDS, heart disease and diabetes, according to a report released on Wednesday, the Florida Times-Union reports. The report by the county

New Role For Growth Factors In Immunity Discovered By Making Flies Sick
A Salmonella infection is not a positive experience. However, by infecting the common laboratory fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster with a Salmonella strain known for causing humans intestinal grief, researchers in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University have shed light on some key cell regulatory processes - with broad implications for understanding embryonic development, immune function and congenital diseases in humans.

Oramed Pharmaceuticals Launches Phase 1A Trials Of Its Insulin Suppository
An Insulin Suppository Represents an Important Development in the Treatment of Diabetes as it Provides a Painless Alternative for Effective Insulin Delivery Oramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: ORMP.OB; http://www.oramed.

Treating Pelvic Sepsis After Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy
In the last decade, stapled hemorrhoidopexy has become increasingly popular and is indicated for the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids grade 3 and 4. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy does not remove the hemorrhoids, but it is rather a strip of mucosa and submucosa at the top of the hemorrhoids. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy is a safe, effective and time-efficient procedure in hands of experienced colorectal surgeons. However, life threatening complications occur occasionally.