Saturday, November 1, 2008

How To Tell If That Holiday Heartburn Is Something More Serious

How To Tell If That Holiday Heartburn Is Something More Serious
For many people, Thanksgiving is about having family near and celebrating, sometimes in excess. That's because for some holiday revelers, perhaps the amount of time spent watching football on the tube is only surpassed by a second activity: eating.

A Bad Chain-link Reaction: How A Healthy Stomach Can Hurt You
There is a cancer in the United States that isn't sneaking up on us; it's already here. Cancer of the esophagus is one of just two cancers that are increasing in this country (skin cancer is the second) and the western world. In fact, figures from the National Cancer Institute show cancer of the esophagus has gone up 400 percent since 1975. And as the cancer spreads, its sufferers aren't who they used to be.