Friday, January 6, 2012

Resource for smoking cessation

Resource for smoking cessation

Written by Sarah G on January 6th, 2012

If you’ve searched the web for information on things like Zyban, Nicotine addiction, tobacco-related issues related to health policy, big tobacco, what have you…you have got to havealook at It’s a pretty comprehenssive, humours, geeky look at a lot of topics related to smoking. This article called All About ecigarettes is pretty comprehensive, but they also have some serious and funny articles about Propylene Glycol usage in products generally, from the angle of the seemingly unjust clamp-down on eCig manufacturers. Just search the site for “propylene glycol”, I guarantee you’ll be entertained.

This site has a massive amount of information, and a lot of it seems geared toward sincerely providing facts and ideas about quitting smoking. Like this article on Nicotine Replacement Therapy . THe images alone are hilarious, but the comprehensive information on NRT, dopamine, is solid. Check out the section towards the bottom of the post, showing the brain scan images of smokers, called The Dope on Dopamine.

The people at SmokeShopTalk have an interesting take on this stuff, and are apparently very enmeshed, or at least interested, in the world of … well smoking. The chap goes by the moniker Smokey the Barrister. ‘Nuff said. It can be hard to find the better articles on the site, some are short and cute, others are very long and detailed. Spend some time poking around, you’ll probably get very concerned about tobacco, healthcare policy, and so on, but I bet you’ll laugh more than you’d admit to tomorrow at work.
