Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Quest To Cure Disfiguring Parasitic Disease May Lead To Targeted, Less Toxic Treatment For Dreaded Leishmania Parasite

The Quest To Cure Disfiguring Parasitic Disease May Lead To Targeted, Less Toxic Treatment For Dreaded Leishmania Parasite
Eating a meal in a restaurant is one of those trivial, everyday activities we take for granted in the developed world. For Canadian aid worker Louisette Pouliot, however, the simple act of grabbing a quick bite at an outdoor eatery in Ouagadougou, the capital of the African nation of Burkina Faso, had profound implications for her life and health. "I was in Ouagadougou in the fall of 2006 and ate outdoors at restaurants without having any insecticide with me," she recalled.